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About Stay-at-Home Mom Site

My name is Sha. I'm the writer, designer, cook and photographer behind Stay-at-Home Mom.

I started this blog in July 24, 2014 to share skin care regimen, reviews of different products, home remedies straight from the kitchen, food photos and recipes as well. You will find original recipes, sometimes I add some twists and sometimes I use substitutes. Some are shared and some are recipes from different cookbooks (I'll give credits to the authors.).


Parenting. It isn't easy being a parent but it is rewarding and it gives us joy. Sharing my experiences being a Mom, how we should take care of our babies or kids, and of course we want the best for our kids, from learning and development to health matters of the child. It's all about prevention, avoidance and care.


I would appreciate any comments or feedback from you.



About Sha

I am a rooster, born on 1981, married and a mother of two boys. My favorite place is the kitchen. I love cooking. I love foods...I am fond of taking pictures of foods everytime I cook. And it's a passion. I also learned that ingredients from the food I'm cooking can be used as a home remedies and can also use for skin care. I'm not afraid to experiment and try anything new that can improve something or can save you a lot of money.


Since I'm a hands-on Mom, I learn from everyday. I learned from experiences or based from what I have read. And being a Mom doesn't limit you from doing things you always wanted. It's a choice and you can always set a time for it.

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